Full House

2011 April 05

Created by Fiona 12 years ago
It all went quite smoothly today with all the ppl txt came. Dads OT is very nice and has agreed to get Dad a lift for the bath upstairs and grab rails for the bathroom downstairs. Thatll make things much easier. Dad was addiment he didnt want any aids for him in the downstairs bathroom because he considers it mine, nomatter how much we reassure him they wont be in the way and its best theyre put in. Hes already using the downstairs bathroom as it is. Lisa the Macmillen liason nurse came at 2:30pm. She said the grants been put through for a £500 voucher for a new fridge freezer and we should be getting it in the post at any time. We explained to her aswell how Dads been in himself exhausted one min, wired the next so she took a look at his med chart. She was horrified to see Dads on both Morphine AND Oxycodone and proceeded to tell us these drugs shouldnt ever be taken together!! We told her thats what the Dr at the hospital put him on. She says thats probably why hes all over the place so she told us to stop the morphine right away n give it back to the pharmacy. So thats what weve done. Plus she gave him a prescription for a special mouthwash that has a coating because the meds have given him alot of mouth ulcers. He says hes got a cluster of 12 or so right now and theyre quite painful. So hopefully this new stuff will help! We've also found the sofa bed we wanna buy off DFS as we got a £40 off voucher in the post this morning. Every little helps. Hopefully I'll get my benefits through soon and can help with the monthly payments for it. Dad'll need the sofa bed during chemo, hes even struggling with the stairs as it is despite the new rails. He's also gonna be evaluated by a Oncology Physio for a walking aid because hes so unsteady on his feet and especially cos of that fall. They feel itll be safer for him. So full steam ahead with all that ...